Wednesday, February 28, 2007

VA-Sen: Mark vs. John

It would be a campaign of biblical proportions, and not just because it would be between two guys named after Gospels. A race between Virginia's popular senior Senator, a Warner, and Virginia's popular ex-governor, another Warner, in an increasingly competitive state may be around the corner.

In the last few years, the longtime Republican stronghold has become...well...less of one. Democrats won two major statewide races in the last two years, winning the Governor's race in 2005 and defeating an incumbent GOP Senator in 2006.

If Warner, Mark decides to run for the Senate seat in 2008, it wouldn't be the first time the two Warners faced off against each other in a Senate race. Warner, Mark, then the state Democratic chairman, ran against Warner, John in 1996 and narrowly lost 53-47%, the closest race for Warner, John in his 25 year career in the Senate.

Since then, Warner, Mark has served as Governor and left office with a 75% approval rating in 2005. He was considered a strong potential candidate for US Senate in 2006 and for President, but decided against both.

The other interesting note about next year's Senate race is the possibility of Warner, John's retirement. Warner, John has been in the US Senate since 1979, when he was still married to Elizabeth Tsylor (yes, this actress.) He's 80 years old and has been mulling retirement for a while. If he retires, the Republicans have already made it known they want to nominate Congressman Tom Davis of Vienna, a moderate to liberal Republican. Davis' district in Northern Virginia is very competitive. it was Kerry's third best district in Virginia (and best among any held by a Republican in the state.) Democrats Tim Kaine and Jim Webb both won the district in 2005 and 2006 respectively. If Davis vacates his seat, expect it to be a top pickup opportunity for the Democrats (although expect a run by Davis' wife, State Senate Jeannemarie Devolites-Davis,) while the Senate race may also provide the Democrats with a pickup as conservatives like Warner, Mark more than the moderate Republican Davis.

Either way, except a Mark Warner to campaign to, at the very least, force Republicans to pour alot of money in Virginia...again.

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