You're Really Not THAT Special
Finally, a study has proven what I've been saying for years...We're making our children to self-centered and narcissistic.
"We need to stop endlessly repeating 'You're special' and having children repeat that back," said the study's lead author, Professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. "Kids are self-centered enough already."
This whole concept of telling kids endlessly that their special and there's no one like them has good intentions written all of it, but as a child myself in the early 1990's, even I realized it was a little bit over the top.
It's great that parents want to increase their child's self-confidence, but there's a thin line between teaching our kids self-confidence and then teaching them they're perfect, special and that people should worship them.
It is when they hit college, the truth begins to clash with that they've been taught for years. They're not so special or so perfect after all, but they fight, because they believe they deserve everything they want because they're so damn special.
It's time to tell our kids the're great, but you're not special, you are going to have to earn what you wnat and people don't have to pay attention to you.
I feel like mine was the last generation in which parents took responsibility for their children. Today, you hear parents tell teachers "my child wouldn't do that" or "Not My Son/Daughter"
It makes me worry about the next generation that takes over.
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