Friday, March 30, 2007

Another Administration Fall Guy

If the Bush administration is good at anything, it's their ability to throw their own under a bus to save their own asses. Case in point; Scooter Libby on the Valerie Plame affair, now Monica Goodling and who knows who else in the prosecutor firing scandal, and apparently now former Major General Stanley McChrystal in the case of the Pat Tillman death.

Pat Tillman was a patriotic American who quit every boy's dream to fight for America. He disagreed with the President and was, from all accounts, a pretty liberal person, but did not make a big deal of it when he was alive. He did in Afghanistan three years ago in an embarrassing friendly fire incident that was pretty much well covered up. At the time of his death, it was reported the Army Ranger was killed in an enemy ambush and died a hero, (which he did anyway.)

Tillman's family wasn't told of the truth behind his death for weeks after the incident. McChrystal and others were charged with covering up the truth. Now, apparently, McChrystal warned the PRESIDENT of the possibility that Tillman died in a friendly fire incident weeks before he even told the family and long before Tillman was used as a political tool, which come on, you know he was.

Bush never specified the way Tillman died in any of the speeches he made, but you know what he was alluding to; that Tillman had died in an enemy ambush, that he died fighting Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Once again the administration successfully covers up and scandal and leaves someone else to take the fall for them. Goodling is the only smart one, she pleaded the fifth. She's getting off that sinking ship.

Still, it's a disgrace that a CIA agent was outed, a disgrace that members of the Justice Department used a clause in a piece of legislation meant to protect us to advance their political agenda, and an even bigger disgrace that they misrepresented the death of a good soldier and fine American because of how the truth may play…and let's not forget that Tillman died in 2004, while Bush was struggling to win reelection.

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