Monday, March 19, 2007

Four Long Years: A Dose Of Truth

Remember this guy?
That's Tariq Aziz, Iraq's former foreign minister and a right hand man of Saddam Hussein up until the fall of the regime in 2003.
Typical Muslim terrorist! Right?
ACTUALLY, Tariq Aziz isn't a Muslim fundamentalist terrorist, he's not even Muslim. Aziz is a Chaldean Catholic, an Arab offshort of the Roman Catholic Church.
Yes, Aziz, one of the Saddam Hussein most trusted friends and one of America's worst enemies prays in a church, believes Jesus is the son of God, celebrates Christmas and Easter, and probably had a statue of the Virgin Mary in his palace.
More proof that our war against Islamic fundamentalism was misplaced. Had Saddam been an Islamic fundamentalist, Christians like Aziz would not be allowed to even live freely to say nothing about becoming one of the most senior members of the Iraqi government.
Just a dose of the truth.

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