Saturday, March 10, 2007

Liberal Arguments Vindicated

The Headline says it all

FBI used Patriot Act to invade privacy, intimidate businesses

All it took to do this was to scare the living crap out of Americans long enough to enact this law. There is no reason for this, they did not gather this information. This country has been had...and you can hear the Democrats who opposed the Patriot Act and were called unpatriotic and defeatist screaming a rousing "WE TOLD YOU SO!"

I can see right through Robert Mueller;
“We strive to exercise our authorities consistent with the privacy protections and civil liberties that we are sworn to uphold,” Mueller said. “Anything less will not be tolerated. While we’ve already taken some steps to address these shortcomings, I am ordering additional corrective measures to be taken immediately.”

translation: "Ah, you caught us, sorry, ok, we'll stop"

The Patriot Act needs to be repealed, or at the very least, heavily altered.

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