Friday, March 30, 2007

The "New" Immigration Plan

The White House has a new immigration plan...How exactly is it new?

It gives undocumented workers visas, so already Tom Tancredo won't like it. I, on the other hand, think it's the smartest idea Bush has ever had. I think he actually understands the reality of the immigration problem, most likely because he was the Governor of Texas, a major immigrant state.

It would be statistically impossible to round up all the illegal immigrats and kick them out, which is the popular solution (and quite frankly would be mine if it were at all possible.) So, the best plan we can have is the one that allows us to deal with those who are already here and prevent any further illegal immigrants from entering in droves. I'm not sure this plan prevents the latter, but it's a good start. Those who are here undocumented must leave after their visas expire and apply for a green card before they can renter the US and legally live here.

If there was one issue I always thought the President and the Democratic Congress would be able to deal with together, it was immigration reform. President Bush is must closer to the Democrats on this issue than most of the conservative Republicans. An immigration reform bill, in my opinion, has a good chance of passing and, of anything, getting bipartisan support which will have Speaker Pelosi and President Bush smiling together again.

Living in Queens, New York, I am in an immigration mecca, where I see both legal and illegal immigrants everyday. I think there are people in both schools who are here to be Americans and there are people in both who are here to take advantage of our graciousness. However, just because you are here to be Americans doesn't give you the right to come here illegally. Go home and come back the legal way and then you can join the party.

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