Friday, March 2, 2007

Obama Blames America First

Paging Jeane Kirkpatrick

Senator Obama says what everyone is thinking but too scared to say;

"A consequence of the Administration's failed strategy in Iraq has been to strengthen Iran's strategic position; reduce U.S. credibility and influence in the region; and place Israel and other nations friendly to the United States in greater peril,"

What a refreshing sound, hearing an elected official take responsibility for his leader's mistakes. For so long we've lived by the Kirkpatrick doctrine (from her famed 1984 RNC Speech,) where whatever went wrong was always someone else's fault, look at where it's got us. We, as Americans, need to start taking responsibility for the mistakes our leaders are have made in foreign affairs.

Despite what the narcissistic nationalist neocons say, liberals are NOT blaming America for EVERYTHING, but many of the world's problems today can be traced to mistakes we've made and refused to admit we've made, therefore we were never allowed to remedy them.

Iran's renowed strength is one of them. I have long said the fact we tore to shreds the one counterbalancing force against Iran (Saddam Hussein) would inevitably make Iran stronger. They have no natural enemies in the Muslim world anymore, they are without a natural predator. They are the Northern Snakehead fish in waterways of Maryland.

We did that, not the terrorists, not the Shiites in Iraq, not the insurgents, not the Iranian Government...we did that. We killed their predator, we've left them without a counterforce. Obama is correct and since he has admitted to a mistake made by our government, now we can focus on fixing it.

Obama gets extra points for being brave.

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