Tuesday, March 6, 2007

One Last Gasp from The Culture of Corruption

Earlier I spoke of how New Mexico's two most vulnerable Republicans shot themselves in the foot.

This is the best;

"He (Sen. Domenici) said, 'Are these going to be filed before November?' " former federal prosecutor David Iglesias, one of eight U.S. attorneys summarily fired in recent months, told the panel. "I said I didn't think so. And to which he replied, 'I'm very sorry to hear that.' And then the line went dead."

The Culture of Corruption was still around in October 2006 when this occurred.

I'm kinda surprised by Domenici over this, I didn't think he was that bad. Heather Wilson, on the other hand, doesn't surprise me. I like her excuse, "I was checking something out for a constituent"...cute Heather, very cute. I'm sure you were not trying to find someway to save your ass, since you only one reelection by 850 votes or so.

Just for those who are curious, here's a list of the federal prosecutors who were fired;

Carol Lam- Southern District of California
David Iglesias- District of New Mexico
H. E. Cummins III- Eastern District of Arkansas
Paul K. Charlton- District of Arizona
John McKay- Western District of Washington
Kevin V. Ryan- Northern District of California
Daniel Bogden- District of Nevada
Margaret Chiara- Western District of Michigan

If you're wondering why this is becoming such an issue, it's because prior to 2006, when there is a vacancy in the office of US Attorney, an interim would be named by the President, who would serve for up to 120 days, until the Senate could approve the Presidential nomination. If there is still a vacancy after 120 days, the court names an interim

However, part of The Patriot Act, that was passed without anyone really noticing it under GOP control of Congress, states that the Attorney General can nominate someone who then may serve as U.S. Attorney as long as it takes until the Senate confirms somebody. Nobody really noticed this part of the Patriot Act until now, because it was never brought up on the floor of Congress.

Democrats are looking into it Congressional hearings on this controversy started today

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