Wednesday, April 11, 2007

NH-Sen: Democratic Leaders Pressure Shaheen

Former Governor Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire), met with DSCC Chairman Chuck Schumer and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to consider running a repeat race against Senator John Sununu (R-New Hampshire.)

Sununu, considered the most vulnerable Republican running in 2008, has been trailing in a potential race against Shaheen, whom he defeated by a narrow margin in a controversial race in 2002.

Two Democrats are already in the race against Sununu, Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchant and Katrina Swett, wife of former Congressman Dick Swett (D-New Hampshire,) and daughter of House International Relations Committe chairman Tom Lantos (D-California.)

Marchant and Swett are good Democrats and good candidates, but Democrats are looking to make Sununu the Santorum of 2008, by running a candidate who will dominate through next November, like Bob Casey did in Pennsylvania. With Governor Lynch out, Shaheen is that candidate

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